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Lessons Library

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In Fight Club, we focus on healing, improving and growing our relationships through Biblical truths. Often times we work with men dealing with a separation, a divorce, marital discontent, or even a new relationship. Our meetings start with about 10 minutes covering a God focusing lesson before we dig deeply into each man’s current struggles. Those Bible based lessons are shared here.

A Fight Club meeting, and Fight Club’s mission, are not exactly like many other Christian ministries. Our meetings reflect our a unique take on melding of Christian support group, Bible study, and community building. Because of that we find that often their lessons don’t exactly fit our needs. To that end, Fight Club leaders create Bible based lessons for embracing our meeting goals. Members use our lessons to help better understand challenges that are common among Christian men. Our leaders use the lessons to assist members in addressing those challenges using God’s word, and God’s wisdom through our brothers in Christ.

Are you a Fight Club member who wants to review some lessons you have missed? Here they are. Dig in! Are you a Fight Club leader for the topic for your next meeting? Pray about it and choose one that fits best! Not a part of a Fight Club meeting, but think these lessons could help do God’s work in you or your small group? Well by all means, download and use them. Its all God’s, to Him be the glory.

Important Notes: These lessons are created by a variety of Christian laymen who volunteer as a Fight Club leader. They are created with the intent they will be used by Fight Club members, guided by Fight Club leaders, within the context of Fight Club meetings. Their purpose is so we can learn together and grow as a brotherhood of Christ. The authors of these lessons are NOT claiming to be Bible scholars or pastors, counselors, lawyers, doctors, professional educators, publishers, etc. Our lesson inspiration may have originated from one or many sermons, songs, podcasts, videos, devotionals, etc. We have no intent to misuse, misrepresent, or devalue anyone else’s content in any way.

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. (Colossians 3:16 ESV)

All of our currently approved lessson are linked below:

Interested in a better understanding of the Fight Club tools that tie in to these lessons? Check out our pages on S.E.L.F.Ph. or our Other Tools . Want to see some of the things that have inspired the thoughts behind some lessons? Check out our Relevant Media and Outside Resources pages. Need some Christian men to support you in your life? Reach out to our leaders via our Contact Us form!